Thursday, October 4, 2018

You Know People Are Searching For These Solutions So This Is One Of The Most

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Keyword Research

A simple and pragmatic approach to coming up with ideas for content is building content that directly addresses the keywords you want to target. Tools like Ubersuggest ( can turn basic keywords into dozens, if not hundreds, of blog post ideas by suggesting variations on the keyword.

You know people are searching for these solutions so this is one of the most promising sources of good content ideas.

The drawback here is you need to be very adept at determining which keywords will be good to target and which ones you will be competitive enough to rank for.

Look in the comments

Good content usually attracts good comments. Look through comments in your own content or on content of other influencers in your niche. Seek out comments that are long or that have a lot of replies to them.

People will often comment and add their own perspectives, ask follow up questions or mention what their favorite part of the post was. These are all ripe areas to explore for content ideas of your own.

Consider the speaking topics at industry events

Search for trade shows, industry events, and conferences in your niche. Check the schedules or the speaker bio pages to see what topics will be discussed at the conferences.

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