Thursday, October 4, 2018

research my friend

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1. Gather the Facts

The first step to producing an awesome article that your client will love is to gather the facts.

Research, my friend.

Open up your internet browser (for example, Chrome or Firefox), go to, and start searching for information on the topic of your article. Start taking point-form notes to collect as much useful information as you can. After you’ve collected enough intel on your topic, start to organize it into sub-categories.

For example, if you were writing an article titled “How to Get Rid of Wasps,” you might divide your information into the following categories:

  • Facts about wasps (intro)
  • Steps to getting rid of wasps
  • Precautions to take when getting rid of wasps

If you’ll be including information in your article for which you need to give credit, be sure to make a list of references for your client. The easiest way to do this is to simply link to your information source within the article itself, using the the hyperlink feature of your word processor.

2. Think of a Catchy Headline (if your client hasn’t already given you one to use!)

If your client hasn’t already given you a headline for your article, then think of one yourself. Be sure to include the client’s target keyword in your headline. For example, if the keyword you’re targeting is “get rid of wasps,” some headline options are:

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