Thursday, January 24, 2019

its a true testament to the power of the internet

but i have found wonderful vendors through elance

E-book cover design is thus a good area to consider a vendor, and there are a couple very viable options here. First, realize that you can find a vendor for any internet task that exists, usually within a couple of hours, by using Elance. Elance is a platform that allows job posters and job seekers to connect on literally any piece of e-work you can imagine: website building, graphic design, coding, book cover design. As with anything with a large pool of people, you will have to screen respondents, balance budget with expectations, and then manage the work process. But, I have found wonderful vendors through Elance. It’s a true testament to the power of the internet. So you can look there for a book cover designer, or, there is a specialist book cover design vendor that has become one of my true go-to resources. will design you a beautiful cover for your e-book, usually internet-marketing-discounts">within a week, for, at the time of this writing, $117. This is a fantastic investment in your site, and one that has paid for itself multiple times over for me. I have ordered more than ten covers from KillerCovers, and have been overjoyed with each one. They are a go-to resource for any e-book cover art you need, be it for the free opt-in gift or your own paid e-book, which we will discuss in Chapter 10.