Saturday, October 6, 2018

One of my favorite tools is MagicMockups

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  1. One of my favorite tools is MagicMockups. It doesn’t provide the possibility to create a book cover mockup, but you can visualize how your web page, online course or even Kindle book would look like on a desktop, laptop or a notepad screen.

  1. A cool tool for generating mockups is Placeit. It offers more than 2800 templates to choose from. You can generate a mockup of your book, web page, online course, logo, t-shirt or even a hat. Actually, there are much more categories. Simply check them out. Watch this YouTube video to see how it works in practice. Of course, not all of the templates are for free; however, you can find useful resources also for zero cost. Just sign up and log in.

Sure, free services won’t give you a large, high-resolution file. However, the quality will be good enough for your website and social networks.

Tutorial – Create a Book Cover Mockup with Pixlr and PowerPoint

One more option that takes a little bit more effort is to create your book cover mockup yourself with online editing tool Pixlr. First, find a good-looking book image on Google. Like this one.

You can download it here. Then open this image in Pixlr. And open your book cover image as a layer. Go to Edit –> Free Transform and resize it. Hold the shift button to get a proportional resize without distorting. When finished, go to Free Distort to align your books corners. Press Enter, when you are satisfied with the result. Watch a video tutorial here.

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Friday, October 5, 2018

the resultsthe results were remarkable

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The results

The results were remarkable. Three key elements were measured.

° First and foremost, revenue contribution; 80% of all enterprise revenue was generated through the ABM program efforts.

° 3X improvement in opportunity-creation rates for those accounts that were part of the ABM program versus those accounts that were generated through other means. This signals that the right accounts were being targeted and the marketing campaigns were more effective.

° Display ads served to ABM program accounts increased conversion rates of direct mail, email and other channel programs from 50% to 200%.

[SOURCE: Special thanks to Julia Stead, Director of Demand Generation at Invoca for sharing her story and to Terminus for making the introduction.]


There are five steps to creating an Account Based Marketing program that converts.

1. Define goals — Identify ABM-related business KPIs that will be shared by the sales and marketing team. This will include revenue and pipeline metrics, but may also include strategic goals such as segment penetration, awareness within your targeted accounts (measured by email opt-ins, open rates and inbound inquires) and the number of references secured that match your ideal customer profile.

2. Select accounts — Align the team around a list of target accounts that are most likely to deliver against agreed-upon KPIs. This selection and scoring process needs to go beyond simple segmentation like company size and industry. You need to consider intelligence you have on accounts—or add intelligence from third-party vendors. Consider what competitors they have, what is happening in the context of their business, what previous interactions with your business you can learn from, their installed technology stacks, and more.

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Thursday, October 4, 2018

research my friend

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1. Gather the Facts

The first step to producing an awesome article that your client will love is to gather the facts.

Research, my friend.

Open up your internet browser (for example, Chrome or Firefox), go to, and start searching for information on the topic of your article. Start taking point-form notes to collect as much useful information as you can. After you’ve collected enough intel on your topic, start to organize it into sub-categories.

For example, if you were writing an article titled “How to Get Rid of Wasps,” you might divide your information into the following categories:

  • Facts about wasps (intro)
  • Steps to getting rid of wasps
  • Precautions to take when getting rid of wasps

If you’ll be including information in your article for which you need to give credit, be sure to make a list of references for your client. The easiest way to do this is to simply link to your information source within the article itself, using the the hyperlink feature of your word processor.

2. Think of a Catchy Headline (if your client hasn’t already given you one to use!)

If your client hasn’t already given you a headline for your article, then think of one yourself. Be sure to include the client’s target keyword in your headline. For example, if the keyword you’re targeting is “get rid of wasps,” some headline options are:

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Keyword Research

A simple and pragmatic approach to coming up with ideas for content is building content that directly addresses the keywords you want to target. Tools like Ubersuggest ( can turn basic keywords into dozens, if not hundreds, of blog post ideas by suggesting variations on the keyword.

You know people are searching for these solutions so this is one of the most promising sources of good content ideas.

The drawback here is you need to be very adept at determining which keywords will be good to target and which ones you will be competitive enough to rank for.

Look in the comments

Good content usually attracts good comments. Look through comments in your own content or on content of other influencers in your niche. Seek out comments that are long or that have a lot of replies to them.

People will often comment and add their own perspectives, ask follow up questions or mention what their favorite part of the post was. These are all ripe areas to explore for content ideas of your own.

Consider the speaking topics at industry events

Search for trade shows, industry events, and conferences in your niche. Check the schedules or the speaker bio pages to see what topics will be discussed at the conferences.

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