Tuesday, February 12, 2019


choose the option that says import list

How to Import Products Directly from Oberlo’s Website

Once you install Oberlo, you will be able to import products to your Shopify profile in one of two ways. These two ways include choosing from products on Oberlo’s website, and choosing products from AliExpress’ website. We will go through how to import products from both sources. To import products from Oberlo’s site, start by typing the type of product for which you’re looking into Oberlo’s search bar. From here, you will be taken to a list of products that matches your search’s query. Next, click on an item that interests you and that you’d like to feature on your site. Next to the product’s photo on the right-hand side, you will see a green button that says, “Add to Import List”. Click on this button, and then you can continue looking for other products that you’d like to add to your online store.

Once you’ve found a couple of products and have added them to your import list, the next step is to import them into your site. To do this, hover your mouse over the second menu icon on the left-hand side of the Oberlo menu. This icon is underneath of the icon of the graph. Choose the option that says, “Import List”. This will take you to a page where all of the items that you’ve added to your import list can be seen. From here, you can change the descriptions of your products so that they’re uniquely yours. You can also choose the collection that you’d like to see them in on your Shopify site, as well as add some keyword tags that might be helpful in generating interested individuals to your site.